My Party Pack for the AncestryDNA House Party has arrived!

I wonder what’s inside?

Lots of goodies!

Name tags, a world map, “thumbtacks” aka paper stickers to mark where my family is from, and party ideas from House Party.

A paper tablecloth, mini trees, mints, and napkins.

Close-up of the tree instructions.

Close-up of the map and stickies.

As a special treat, House Party has provided me (and all the other hosts) a coupon for 10% off a DNA kit! So if you’ve been thinking of taking the test, now is a great time to order one.
Using this link, you can order a test for $89 for’s Father’s Day sale. After using the code that House Party has provided (DNAHOUSEPARTY), you’ll get an additional 10% (or $8.90) knocked off. Shipping and tax will bring your total to $90.87. However, if you don’t use the House Party coupon your total would be $99.77. And if you didn’t use either discount your total would be around $110. So now is a really great time to buy the DNA kit. Just remember to order by June 10th to get the Father’s Day sale price. The House Party discount is valid until July 31st.
*House Party has provided me with this party pack and coupon code for free. I am not being compensated to write about this pack, about AncestryDNA or about